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Maine, United States
Happily married for 14 years- celebrating the reality that our children are home

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A promise we made in Uganda

Mother's name Mary: son's name Victor: please call me
 On the terrible day described here we met Mary.  She approached us at the town office and introduced herself and told us about her 3 year old son.  I apologize for only now telling you this story.  We promised her we would tell you about her and her son so you could pray and if you wanted to, do more.  Here is the rest of what happened on that hot and horrible day...

After the lawyer went back inside to see if the town clerk was EVER going to come, Mary approached me and asked if I was here to adopt the boys.  She looked about 20 yrs old.  She asked if I helped orphans and said she was an orphan and has a 3yr old son w/no daddy and that her grandma took care of her as best as she could by digging in the fields.  Mary is taking classes to become a caterer, but said she doesn't think she'll have much opportunity with the 50% unemployment.  She asked for our help and she said it gave her HOPE just thinking that we might be able to help she and her son, Victor.  She wanted money and for her son to be adopted too.  We told her we would pray for she and her son and asked her to trust that we would tell our friends about her.  She wrote her name and numbers for us on the paper we were using for drawing.  She is the only person who asked us for money while we were there.  She seemed sincere, but there was no way to know if anything she said was true.  I have now done what I said I would do and have told my friends about her.  Will you pray for Mary? 
Hayden's hands. He counted to 5 while I traced each wiggly finger.


  1. And of course I want to know in which language he counted to five!!!

  2. Of course you would want to know that! He counted in English. I would not be able to tell if he was counting in Luganda :) Both can count to 10 in English. Garak can count higher but he skips some numbers.

  3. You two! SO funny! My grandsons are geniuses! And they have a great mom and a great dad who are pretty smart too! The possibilities are endless! Love it! Love it! Love it! God is Good!
