About Me

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Maine, United States
Happily married for 14 years- celebrating the reality that our children are home

Monday, May 7, 2012

brothers found

 a little crocy-dia-ow drlinking Chai. yum!

ROARRRR! SNAP SNAP! (captioning for this photo)
Yesterday the boys went to Children's Church and Garak reported at lunch that "shumbody was mean to my bruh-jer and maked him feeel chad an' 'fraid!"  [now this was said in the most dramatic tone he could muster with facial expressions to match]  He was very distracted by the event and kept talking about it.  Instead of his usual exhaustive before meal prayer about everything he has in his line of sight, he prayed, " Tanty You Jezuch dat shumbody was mean to my bruh-jer and maked him feeel chad an' 'fraid!" It was at that moment that Hayden realized that he was Garak's brother.  Garak was praying for him!  He already knew that Garak was his brother.  He tends to be quite protective of him, in fact.  There was a definite difference in Hayden's mind though when Garak demonstrated concern and took a protective stand about him and his feelings.  He was Garak's brother.  {it's that feeling you get when you know that the person you feel that way about feels that way about you too!} It was very sweet.  He started grinning and questioned Garak, "you bruh-jer? are you say, you bruh-jer?  Garak?  Hayden is you bruh-jer?"  As the realization washed over his face that we WAS indeed Garak's brother not just in word but in action [that Garak cared about him and had his back] he joyfully declared, "I am Garak's bruh-jer.  Garak ijy my bruh-jer!"  He repeated the phrases all though the meal and seemed happier each time he said them.

1 comment:

  1. Awe How precious! I love my boys! They just get better and better every day! I love them sooooo much! Tell Big protecting brother, Garak, that those bullies need to learn that Jesus says to love one another.
