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Maine, United States
Happily married for 14 years- celebrating the reality that our children are home

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

a spirit of timidity

Last week I heard a song on the radio.  I've heard it lots of times before but one phrase jumped out at me.
"those who have troubles and pains keeping you back from your life"
I thought about that phrase and couldn't hear any of the rest of the song.  How powerful that little though was to break through and get to me!  What a tragedy to let troubles and pains keep me back from my life.  My life is now and yes there are troubles and pain.  This is the human condition, you might say but I could not bear the thought that I was letting anything keep me back from my life.  How was I letting that happen?

it is hard to have their "stuff" but not have them
esperence est violentThis is a quote meaning "hope is violent" from a favorite French poem "Le Pont Mirabeau."  It has always spoken strongly to me because the writer is wishing for a love he can no longer have and to hope is violent to his soul because it causes such pain.  I think that I was in that place until I heard the song I mentioned and got snapped out of my fear of hoping and believing for the best.  There is no guarantee that this trip will be easy breezy fun and fancy free but there is a promise that I will be where I am supposed to be and doing what I need to be doing and that I will not be alone.

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