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Maine, United States
Happily married for 14 years- celebrating the reality that our children are home

Sunday, August 21, 2011

industrious children w/photo

"play is the work of children" someone once said.  Maybe with my children work is their play.  Here in Uganda there is not much leisure time and innocent childhood.  My boys like to work.  Here is what happened to illustrate that:
Today they were getting a bit rowdy (shocking, I know) and wanted to wrestle w/me and ride on my back.  I tickled them a bit but then I told them this is something they do with only daddy.  Next time I lay down on the floor a bit later in the day Johnny climbed up on my back and wanted a ride and then he remembered and said to himself "no, daddy motocah" and got back down.  Smart baby!  So daddy get ready! They will have a lot of wrestling and boda-boda rides waiting for you when we get home.
We had played with everything that we had and they were needing something tangible to DO and accomplish not just entertain themselves with.  As I was thinking of what else I could do with them, I remembered that yesterday when I washed their bibs Johnny really liked washing them for me and helping with that and was actually quite skilled at it so I filled the wash basin and put some dirty laundry (their bibs and socks mostly) in it with some soap (they call soap "sa-bony") and put them in the bathtub and put the boys in as well and with no instruction needed they washed all of the laundry and then rinsed the soap out and handed it to me so I could hang each piece. They were happy as can be.  They like to do things that matter.  What cool kids I have.


  1. asome rachel love you dad i molly miss you love you guys

  2. You always bring me to tears. How precious. Thetford was great. I got to teach Michael and two others. Liam came down today. And Wyatt was there because he was visiting with his Grampa. Great lesson. Michael memorized the order of the books of the Bible from: Gen-Ruth and Matt - Col. So he did his home work. He interacted a lot more this time. Liam was lost so we reviewed a lot and I got to share the power of salvation again. It is so powerful to help them understand that there is a point in time where commitment to a life lived in the power of the risen Christ changes one forever.. my Passion is to teach young people all that is there's because of Calvary.
    ...Your post is wonderful. I miss you all but am so glad you are together. Again, The picture of Johnny giving Norman the animal cracker says volumes. Today commanding him to get off that page is a picture of a boy who knows who his daddy is and will feel complete when he is safely in his daddy's arms. Kisses for Dad and the boys and a special momma hug from me to you, love you forever, ylmwlyl, Mom
