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Maine, United States
Happily married for 14 years- celebrating the reality that our children are home

Sunday, August 21, 2011

what to pray for

OK so our court date is in 2 days.  We are peaceful and confident.  All is going so well here that we have no reason to fear or worry at all.  However, things could still hinder us and I ask you to take a few minutes and specifically pray for:
  1. the heart of the judge to see us as we see ourselves, as a family that cannot/should not be separated again without damage to the boys. 
  2. Johnny especially to understand what is happening enough not to be fearful or clingy to his auntie in front of the judge.  This is a point of concern since he did act that way each time he saw her the last time we were here.
  3. A conversation I am going to attempt with Johnny tomorrow with help from one of the staff here, Midias, interpreting.  She has a little 2 year old boy (named Michael who gladly received the shoes we brought that were too small for our boys and sent back a thank you to us for the gift) so it was recommended to have her help me.  What I am going to try to do is see if I can understand what Johnny thinks is happening as far as myself taking care of him etc. and how he feels about seeing his auntie --if possible of course.  He is a thinker and is always trying to figure things out so this may help him as well if we can talk about it first so he knows to expect to see her but expect to come back with Benny and I again afterward.  I want to respect his feelings on the matter and try to make him feel safe.  As a firstborn, I relate to his need for some control and predictability.
  4. a good sleep Monday night for everyone involved and that the logistics of getting the boys' guardians to the city on time will all happen as well.  
  5. one of Johnny's twin baby cousins who has been sick that it would not be serious and she would be well and that her mommy/Johnny's auntie can come unhindered to the hearing
  6. that the boys would be easy to entertain and keep somewhat quiet and contained (or even take a nap!) while we are at court which will possibly be long and boring for them
at the risk of waking him I had to take this bc it was so sweet


  1. Thank you - this is extremely helpful, and we'll all be specifically praying for these things.

  2. We are friends of Colleen from her church in Texas. We have 4 adopted kids from Ethiopia. We will certainly be praying for you in the next couple of days!!
