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Maine, United States
Happily married for 14 years- celebrating the reality that our children are home

Monday, August 22, 2011

spontaneous sorry's

I was so proud of Benny all day and feeling quite pleased that he had really gotten the idea of being sorry for hurting his brother.  This AM while still in his 1st waking grumpies he swatted at this brother (not actually hitting but gesturing the hit) and he immediately apologized unprompted "sorry Johnny" 'WOW' I thought 'go Benny and go Mamma for getting that through his head so fast!'  Later in the morning...still kinda grumpily eating his morning "sweeties" which was animal crackers [which , btw they have now figured out ARE animals and so now they walk them around a bit and make animals sounds with them before eating them...such fun!] he swung his stuffed bunny [the bunnies are always present for morning snack and then they wait in the cribs until nap] and knocked his brother's bowl of cracker and ans again immediately unprompted he said "sorry Johnny" and then later int the day with an unintentional bump he gave Johnny when they were just playing nicely he also apologized with no intervention from me.  [btw when you say "sorry" to Johnny, he answers "you're welcome-ah"] I was just beaming with pride to think he now seemed to need no further instruction on the matter until later this afternoon.  Johnny was playing around with the hood of his sweatshirt over his face pretending he was a monster growling and crawling around when Benny kicked him in the face and as he was kicking he said "sorry sorry sorry Johnny"
HA! well so much for that theory. It scooped him up and tried not to laugh. He got a time out for that even though he apologized.  It was pretty funny.

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