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Maine, United States
Happily married for 14 years- celebrating the reality that our children are home

Monday, September 12, 2011

I have them in my hot little hands...

honestly I cannot describe how I feel. giddy is the best description. just thrilled but also in some state of disbelief. I have wanted this so badly for so long and it is happening tangibly, really, truly, physically, legally.
oh yes. it is real. sweetness!!

just got back home with these babies!
FYI: Uganda does not allow non-resident foreigners to adopt their children outright.  We can only become legal guardians and the children belong to us as our wards until age 18.  Our boys now legally have this status as our wards and remain Ugandan citizens.  It is well known that they can and will be adopted into our family as American citizens and have dual citizenship. This is how it is done here. Some countries finalize the adoption in country some must be finalized in the USA.


  1. take the world but gimmme daddy i love you dadda me love you

  2. Best Pictures Ever!
    Can't wait for Sunday!

  3. Thanks for the explanation - I have been wondering for quiteva while! Amazing photos!
