About Me

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Maine, United States
Happily married for 14 years- celebrating the reality that our children are home

Thursday, September 8, 2011

steady on

It is odd to start your life as a family in a foreign country without a quarter of your family...just sayin'
Well we are hunkering down for another week.  It feels long in some ways but we are so blessed to know that all of this WILL happen and IS happening for us.
I spoke with Elizabeth last night and she requested that we come let the guardians and the boys say goodbye to each other before we go.  This will likely happen on Tuesday so you can pray that that time goes well also.
J&grampa w/new toy baby giraffe &stuffed elephant  from craft shop
The boys stayed up til 8pm-ish last night and still they were up and raring to go this morning while it was still dark and before 6am. I put them both in bed with me and tried to snuggle as long as possible as a public service to out neighbors.  But by 7am there was no more restraining them. We were dressed and out the door for a walk around the neighborhood before anyone else in our house was even up.  Welcome Back early mornings.  I have not had to really do early mornings since I stopped teaching.  Our walk was actually very nice and educational.  We discussed everything interesting that was saw and also pointed at most things and said what color they were as well.  Everyone smiles when they see a Muzungu walking hand in hand with 2 little Ugandans calling her "Mamma."  I am learning a lot of Lugandan words as well.  The local people here think it is pretty cool that I can speak to the boys so much in their local language.


  1. Wishing a happy "good-bye" time. And fun at your friend's this weekend. And more sleep, although that really comes with the territory so they say. Love you 4ev! Hope you want visitors soon!
    ~Auntie Shawah

  2. Awe! You are such a good mommy!
    You'd of thought that later bedtime would equal later waking time. :(
    What an amazing future you will all have together...What a reunion when daddy stands in front of you all with open arms. Love it!

  3. Your story is SO inspiring. I will miss reading your updates, I hope you plan to keep up the blog after you get home. It's like a Christmas present whenever you have a new post!

  4. molly on i miss you daddy please come home. right now im cring please come home please please please ppppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :'( i miss you daddy i relly miss you please come home :^ chicken with lips <3 molly
